essay.N 2


Violence against women and children is a violation of one of the most important human rights laws in the world. This is a subject that causes controversy around the world in both women and men since it is something that has been happening for a long time and in which the changes and the actions that have been implemented to avoid it are not enough efficient. It is important to note that both men and boys can also be victims of violence, especially sexual violence. over the years violence against women and children hasn’t been in a balance because sometimes it increases, and others decrease depending on the security that the country implements and the location where people live. Violence against women and children entails to different specific topics which are developed differently in worldwide countries. Three of the countries were violence against women and children happened the most are Colombia, India and Afghanistan. Colombia is a country. Colombia is a country in which the security policy has not been well developed, which influences this issue as it focuses more on other illegal problems and has not focused so much on this problem. One of the biggest problems in this country concerning this issue is sexual abuse and rape in this gender, the saddest thing is that there are more cases every time and they occur mostly among families. This is not happening only in Colombia but all around the world. This is something that happens every day and have to stop. India is a country is a country that is characterized by having many cultures and traditions, is other country were this problematic occurs the most. One of the most populated and culturally rich countries in the world, it is also one of the most threatening for women. Domestic violence, sexism and daily aggression. This country is very respected because of its cultures but have this problem which everyday is affecting more children making them keep silence and threatening with things that have to much value for them. One of the most advanced countries that have this situation is Afghanistan, is a country with a historic inertia of violence against women, Afghanistan stands out, among other things, for high levels of domestic violence, discrimination against women and even genital mutilation. This is considered the most dangerous country for women and children because of their traditions and cultures. No matter which the country is or what traditions or cultures it has, no body have the right to violate woman rights and children rights. This is a problem that should stop and that every security guy and police officer should have in account because sometimes people only think about them but they should also care about others now that we never know when one of these situations can happened on the life of one of our family members and we don’t pay attention to it because we are not living that situation , but anyway is something we should respect.


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